check out what appears to be a petition by get up australia in relation to a government call out about the lack of human rights in australia or one of the consequences of not having a bill of rights like in the us or a consitution based on individual rights (correct me if that's wrong)
7. Conclusion
This consultation is long-overdue and most welcome. GetUp is proud to have been able to play such an involved role in giving voice to everyday Australians’ concerns on a whole range of issues that come under the protective umbrella of human rights protection, and we thank the Committee for their work towards the same aim.
When asked, it is clear that Australians care about and are willingly to respond to the issue of human rights protection more than it would generally be expected.
When asked, it is clear that many Australians were simply waiting for the opportunity to be heard on matters that are of everyday importance to them.
‘Human rights’ are not some abstract legal strictures within which we wish to confine our legislatures; they are recognition of the inherent dignity with which we all expect to conduct our lives and the recognition that that depends on us working together to allow the other a fruitful and peaceful enjoyment of being.
Framed in such terms, a formal recognition of rights reflects and accommodates a society well-equipped to meet and overcome challenges together. It is obviously advisable to work towards such an Australia.
We eagerly await the Government’s response to the Committee’s recommendations, and
have our army of concerned citizens mobilised to see their human rights concerns adequately reflected in legislative protection.
Thank you for your consideration,
The GetUp team
check our get up's original document here: