Chari Delaney... good luck and hard work. Photo: Adam Hollingworth
From The Age
August 30, 2009
The latest celebrity fad has reached Australia - $600 charm bracelets that are supposed to enhance the power of positive thought.
The former Hi-5 singer Charli Delaney has been given two of the bracelets and sees them as a positive reminder of how good life is. Since quitting the popular children's group she has hosted two radio shows.
''But I also work hard for my good luck,'' she said.
Princess Mary sparked the craze when she accepted one of the La Chance bracelets as a gift from the Danish jewellery designer Martina Baggar. Stars including the U2 lead singer Bono, the Hollywood actress Kate Hudson and the soccer star Ronaldhino followed suit.
Importer Hans Wrang said the bracelets contained the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac and were inspired by the ancient Eastern philosophy of attracting luck, health and prosperity by thinking positively.
Australian celebrities including the Dancing with the Stars host Sonia Kruger, the So You Think You Can Dance winner Talia Fowler, the TV judge Marcia Hines and the surfer Layne Beachley have jumped on the bandwagon after being targeted by the La Chance marketing machine.
The actress Zoe Naylor gushed: ''We all need hope and faith in our lives and the La Chance bracelet has certainly brought positivity to my life.''
Mr Wrang said celebrities were carefully selected before being offered a bracelet.
''One of the things we insist on is sitting down with them face-to-face to make sure that we know what they think of the bracelet.''
The singer Janet Jackson requested a bracelet while in Denmark last year but could not spare the 10 minutes Ms Baggar insisted on to explain the bracelet's philosophy before giving it to her.
''Her minders asked us to just send it round but we said no … We don't just give them to anybody.''
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